Sustaining Donors

Becoming a Sustaining Donor for the Austin Shambhala Meditation Center is a statement about your personal inspiration, curiosity, and commitment to the path of awakening. It means participating in a community of practitioners who aspire to relate to each other with honesty, warmth, and openness. We inspire one another to deepen our practice of mindfulness, awareness, and compassion. We also provide each other an opportunity to practice compassion and patience.

If you feel a connection to the Austin Shambhala Center, the practice of meditation, and the vision to create an enlightened society, you may wish to consider becoming a sustaining donor.  This is a way to practice generosity, express appreciation for what Shambhala provides, and help make it available to others.

Formal community involvement features four areas of engagement and support:

Practicing meditation

Making a connection to mindfulness-awareness meditation or related contemplative practice and integrating this practice into daily life is considered the best way for our local community to support Shambhala and benefit the world and ourselves.


Almost all of the work of our Center and much of the work of the Shambhala global community is done by volunteers. Giving our time and talents to the work of the community is a vital form of support and viewed as part of  practice.

Financial support

Sustaining and one-time donations are vital to the maintenance and growth of our Center and the international Shambhala community. The amount of your contribution is a personal decision that reflects your own situation and connection. Your ongoing monthly donation, at whatever amount works for you, contributes to the financial foundation for our community.

Practicing community

Shambhala is more than a place to meditate and take classes. Engaging with others to develop a culture that embodies the profound principles of basic goodness is at the heart of our commitment.  We invite you to join us in this exploration and practice of community.

Become A Sustaining Donor

When you’re ready to join our community more formally, please contact our Donation Coordinator, Christine Wetzl.

Monthly donations can be offered online using your credit card of choice, ApplePay, GooglePay, or (preferably) ACH bank draft.

Sustaining Donor Benefits

  • Ongoing, personal meditation instruction with a qualified and experienced meditation instructor
  • Invitation to community events, programs, and classes via the community listserv
  • Receive a Great Eastern Sun pin and a copy of An Introduction to Shambhala Culture
  • Access to resources at and automatic membership in Shambhala’s world-wide network
  • Access to our book and audio library
  • Opportunities in center governance and in staffing or coordinating programs
  • Access to the center for wedding and sukhavati ceremonies (We ask for a donation but do not charge additional fees to donors.)
  • Eligibility for scholarships