Generosity Policy

Northern California Shambhala Generosity Policy

Generosity is very important in buddhism. In Sanskrit there is a word, dana, which at its Indo-European root is related to donation. Dana is generosity, or giving in. Dana is also connected with devotion and the appreciation of sacredness. Sacredness is not purely a religious concept alone, but it is an expression of general openness – how to be open, how to kiss somebody, how to express the emotion of giving. You are giving yourself, not just a gift alone. So real generosity comes from developing a general sense of kindness…
– Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

The Northern California Shambhala meditation centers have adopted a Generosity Policy for our programs. This policy transforms our registration process into a contemplative practice of generosity.

At registration, we suggest a tuition amount that reflects our costs to offer the program. For example, suggested donation $150, sliding scale $30-$250. Please contemplate how much you can offer and give more, less, or the suggested amount based on your individual circumstances.

This policy supports individuals who need to “pay what they can” due to financial hardship. It also encourages generosity in those who have the means to offer more than the recommended tuition.

Please help us bring these teachings into the world by offering the most that you can afford. Your offering allows us to provide these teachings to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.

Northern California Shambhala centers are non-profit organizations and exist only due to the generosity of donations from people like you. Thank you for your support.